Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back on the French Wagon

Well, I have completed all 8 units of Rosetta Stone French 1, Listening & Reading, exercise 1.

There are 4 exercises in listening & reading alone. Now I am going back to unit 1 and am going to do exercise 1 of just listening for all 8 units. I don't really need to know how to read and write French as much as I will need to know how to speak and listen. So from now on I am going to concentrate on the speaking and listening exercises, and not reading and writing.

Learning a whole new language isn't easy. I always get tricked into thinking it's easy because at first it is, and then it gets friggin complicated.

But I know a lot of nouns, verbs and question words now (or at least I can read them), so now it's a matter of being able to understand when it's spoken to me.

I really want to get as good at French as I can before I go so that I can concentrate on learning my local language and not French when I get there.

Alright listening-only exercises, here I come!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Too bad I didn't retain any of the French I (was forced to) learned from Kindergarten through Grade 8...coulda helped you practice!