Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Made it to Forecariah

It is hot as balls in Forecariah. Outside it wasn’t so bad, but in my room I am just dripping sweat not even moving. It is way hotter than Conakry and not just because we had air conditioning some places there. Guess I will have to take a second bucket bath in the morning before heading to training at 8.

My host family is really awesome. There is mama, grandma, aunt Oumou and my sisters Fatim, Yari and Mamadaba (I think). Fatim also has a 1 year and 5 month old son, Mohammed. Fatim is 19, Yari is 16 and Mamadaba can’t be more than 10. EDIT: As it turns out, Mamadaba is mama (Fatou’s) cousin.

Both Fatim and Yari are educated and speak English, in addition to French and Susu. I think mama and Oumou also speak French, but I am not sure. For dinner, mama made me French fries with a fried egg and onions. It was tasty but greasy.

I had my first experience with the pit latrine and can I just say that it splashes everywhere. Also, the whole family got a kick out of my electric toothbrush. I’m not sure if it was a bad idea or not to use it during homestay, as they do say not to let people know what you have, but I mean, it’s a toothbrush. Even if it got jacked, I wouldn’t be heartbroken, I’d have my mom send another. I have an analog backup just in case.

Fatim and Yari were the ones who came to the adoption ceremony. I guess because they speak English. Also, I live like practically next to the Bureau, which is our base of operations for training.

Today Yari took me around and we visited some of her friends and walked to the market. We also played cards: Huit Americain and Monnie. Oumou played a few rounds of Huit Americain with us.

I am so tired, but so hot and I don’t know if I’ll get a good night’s sleep tonight or not. There is a lot more to say but I am beat.

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