Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dr. Bronner's Soap

Ok, so I bought a quart of Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap at REI mid-May. I have been using it as my body wash every day since then. Originally I tried squirting it out of the big bottle into a big cup each time, and then diluting it with water and pouring it over myself. This seemed to use up the soap pretty quickly. Then I went on a 3-week vacation, brought only a 3 oz. container of it and just used a small amount on my hands each shower. The 3 oz. container lasted about 4.5 weeks! And, obviously, I am clean!

I did the math and what it says is that if I bring 1 quart (32 oz.) with me, which I was planning to, it will last me about 10 MONTHS!

This is great news! They sell Dr. B's in smaller containers, as well, so my family can ship me small containers throughout service with care packages, and I should be ale to use Dr. B's the whole time. I don't know why I'm worried about soap. I guess because I don't like using bar soap, and I don't use washcloths or loofahs or sponges (I used to until I read they were rife with bacteria and it was best to just use your hands, so I do). And it's nice to be able to use a natural soap.

Once I run out of shampoo, I am going to try to use the Dr. B's on my hair, too...because I also wonder about shampoo...I am going to cut my hair pretty short before I go. As it is, I only wash my hair every 4 days or so. I worry about it using up too much of the soap. So that's my next experiment. Once my face wash runs out, I'm going to experiment on my face, too. Imagine only having to use one soap/product to cleanse your entire body, head to foot? That would be convenient. Plus, it's 100% natural! I learned about Dr. B's when I was a kid because it's what we used to bathe in the river. I've heard of people who use NOTHING BUT Dr. B's for EVERYTHING - laundry, dishes, cleaner, mouthwash, toothpaste, EVERYTHING!

I guess I'm concerned about soap because my recruiter told me that I would only be able to find "products for white skin" in the major cities and that they'd be 3x as expensive. And being cheap and hating to be uncomfortable, I'm trying to work out a potential solution, even in the worst of circumstances. I like to be self-sufficient.

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