Monday, August 10, 2009

Mail Run Has Been Good to Me

Well, I barely slept at all last night, scrunched up into a ball trying to make the pain in my abdomen go away. Then I spent the whole day feeling miserable and puking. I kept down the canned peaches I ate for breakfast (thanks again, Mrs. Figas!) and two fruit leathers (for awhile) but the lunch soup came back up. Then Daffe got here around 3 with the mail run and THINGS ARE LOOKING UP!

I received a book and a card from Megan (thanks Megan!!), and a package each from my mom/Bob and my dad/Marci. These packages might go into the package hall-of-fame. Indian food, cheese, soybean seeds, dehydrated jalapeno dices, CADBURY CRÈME EGGS (not even squished or melted or anything!), tuna steak pouches, Easy Mac Alfredo, other heat-and-eat meals (essential for when you’re sick), cute tank tops, I can go on! What a lift to my spirits it is to not only get packages but get AWESOME packages!

If I didn’t feel like crap I’d bust open a box of wine (which I sent to myself this mail run) and get creative at the stove. But, alas, I do feel like crap and don’t know if I even want to waste any of this fabulousness on a dinner that may end up in my puke bucket an hour later. Like my lunch did. Note to self, the Harmony House Chickenish Soup wasn’t that good going down and REALLY wasn’t good coming back up.

However, fruit leather? Not horrible .

I ended up going with one of the Easy Mac Alfredo cups for dinner. That stayed down. As did a Laffy Taffy and Crème Egg (couldn’t help it!).

Couple of notes: While there was no major destruction or mouse-attacks on either of these packages, would like to once again remind senders to put pretty much everything in ziploc bags. Not only does this ward off mice, and keep everything protected if something explodes, but I use the bags over and over again. The only damage done this time around was that my dad sent a bunch of loose hard candies and somewhere along the way they melted a bit and so everything is sticky. Didn’t ruin anything, though. Also, when sending tuna/salmon, stick with just the steaks in the Bumble Bee pouches, we can get canned tuna in Conakry (Starkist, even). Just a couple of tips to maximize your package’s potential!!

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