Monday, August 31, 2009

Bad Couple of Days

Ever spilled boiling hot oil on your dog? I accomplished this feat day before yesterday. It’s those damn stoves they gave us. They’re so tilted, it’s not the first time I’ve spilled something on my stove. But this time…Yogi happened to be going through the garbage box under my new table and I was frying some potatoes and it happened so FAST – the pot tilted, I saw Yogi in it’s way, I grabbed for the pot, it spilled on him anyway, he SCREAMED, I finally got hold of the pot, put it on the ground (the only f-ing stable place in the whole house…lord how I miss stainless steel sinks…) and started to run after Yogi, looking for the most accessible water. Which happened to be in a full bucket, with no goblet. So I’m chasing Yogi, yelling for him to stay still, he’s SCREAMING, hauling a 20 liter bucket, trying to dump it on him at every possibility but pretty much only succeed in soaking my house. Eventually I hit him with the water a bit and he realizes it will make the pain subside and I get a goiblet and chase him with THAT (much easier) and manage to finally pour water over all of his burns. I feel like an ASSHOLE. I mean, I sure as shit didn’t do it on purpose, but he still blames me for it. His coat is still oily. I’m sort of waiting for the burns to heal a bit before I wash him with soap.

Insult to injury: melted my rubber spatula because in my haste I threw it on the ground in the pot which then melted it as I chased Yogi. So I’m writing home for another. I use it EVERY day.

But just like a dog, he doesn’t REALLY blame me. Or rather, I should say, he still loves me. Although he has been acting out of the ordinary, but not necessarily when it comes to me. Poor guy.

It hasn’t made him stop rummaging in the trash.

Today I discovered a tiny white bug infestation. By tiny I mean the individual bug. By infestation I mean it is EVERYWHERE, though you have to look close for it. I was so angry earlier. I thought it was coming from the flour in the cupboard, so I took all the food off the second shelf of the cupboard and all the dishes off the bottom shelf. Washed ALL the dishes. Someone on the road told me if all those dishes were just for me, I should share them with everyone else (Oumou Tokara). Then I washed all of the food items. It did not appear to make a difference. When I had let them dry for awhile I looked again and those FUCKING bugs were all over them again. I was so pissed by the time Alysun came around and told me tomorrow I should spray my house with the insect killer and he’d help me wash my clothes at the marigot (“They’re in your clothes now, too, you have to wash all of them”). I feel them crawling all over me. When I tried to make dinner because trying to clean up after them made me too late to go to dinner with my family, they were already all over my freshly washed utensils and dishes. I wanted to cry.

Tomorrow I am going to unleash an entire can of that insect killer on my house (it did a good job down the latrine) and go to the marigot and wash everything I can think of, plus Yogi, because I have to leave it be for like three hours before I can open the door again. I hope I murder them all.

And it just reinforces the need for Tupperware – SEND ME TUPPERWARE PEOPLE!!!!

In the end I think the bugs MIGHT be coming from the Parmesan cheese my mom sent. I mean it has been AWHILE since I opened it. And if that’s the case it means I’ve been eating forkfuls of them in my spaghetti and cheese for a week. Gross.

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