Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mary Jane

“Her name was Mary Jane, she sang like Etta James, she came and went so easily, and it’s strange how times have changed, I seen Mary yesterday and she don’t look the same to me…”

Dude. I really enjoy this Shwayze album. I will admit that most of the songs sound the same, but after having seen a couple of episodes of his MTV relaity show “Buzzin’”, named after his first single, he is endearing to me. His persona on the show doesn’t match up to a lot of his lyrics. And his partner, the white dude with the long brown hair…I am just loving it. I GROOVE to this shit and I want to give a CD (can they play CDs?) to the boite to play this stuff on club night (Thursday, Friday, Saturday…). They won’t understand what he’s saying but they can for sure move their bodies to this.

In all honesty, my departure from Hollywood and arrival in Africa is essentially a complete 180. Yes, I believe that everyone in the WORLD is obsessed with celebrity and the jadedness that enters your psyche in Hollywood is something I feel that people who have not lived/worked there can not understand.

When I talked to him, my dad made a rather serious commitment to coming to visit me and ever since then I have fantasized about what it would be like to introduce my dad to Guinea, what he would think of how I live here, how I communicate with people, the f-ing utter beauty of this country. I really hope he is able to come through and visit because it will be WORTH IT. Experiencing Africa at the VRAI village level is something you can never know as a tourist, and it is beautiful, simple, rustic, necessary.

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