Monday, March 30, 2009

"Remember when airplane food was bad?"

So we arrived in Senegal last night. Peace Corps dropped us off at the airport at like 4pm when our flight was at 7:30 and didn't actually leave until 8:30. However, once we did actually depart on the hour and ten minute flight, we were served a MEAL!

Which was great because we were freaking starving. It had GREEN BEANS, real BUTTER, and lasagne with CHEESE on top! Oh AND free red wine OUT OF A BOTTLE. We were pretty freaking excited about this. My friend turned to me midway through our meal and said, "remember when airline food was considered bad?"

That was before we moved to Guinea.


maggie said...

Thinking of you tons! Here's to a quick and easy tooth adventure!

王美安 said...

There is a good Korean restaurant that has a buffet in downtown Senegal if you miss sushi. It is expensive though about the cost of a meal in America.