Monday, November 3, 2008

4 Weeks Til Guinea

The morning marks exactly 4 weeks until Day 1 of stage. I am going to be in IL for a week starting Thursday. I am starting to realize how little time I have to get everything squared away. Last night I finally started buying stuff online.

Major stores I need to hit:
-Bed, Bath & Beyond

I made my final Barry Farm and Harmony House orders, got my Alpasmart, Leatherman, iPod speaker and Macabi Skirts. Now awaiting delivery.

I am waffling over the Bug Hut, but I do really feel like I should bring one. I'm just anticipating all the uses for it and while it seems bulky, I feel like there would be a lot of occasions for use.

I still have to pick out a digital camera and am leaning towards the new Canon PowerShot ELPHs.

Really have to make a decision on a backpack and luggage.

Other things weighing on me are selling both of my computers and purchasing a small iBook. Maybe I'll do some iBook searching tonight...

Tomorrow I am going to go to the African restaurant and make plans for my going-away dinner and have lunch. Also have to drive to Long Beach for a dentist appointment in the morning. And bring all my yard sale stuff.

My last night at home with my cat will be Election Night. Weds we will spend the night at mom's, Thurs we fly to IL and I will spend the night with her at Aunt Sue's and then she will have to start acclimating to that environment. I will miss her so much.

UNDER PRESSURE! Being distracted this last week did not help, either.

C'est la vie.

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